Xunlei Limited

Event Details

Q4 2021 Xunlei Limited Earnings Conference Call

03/17/22 8:00 am EDT

Conference Call Preregistration

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, operator assisted conference calls are not available at the moment. All participants wishing to attend the call must preregister online before they can receive the dial-in numbers. Preregistration may require a few minutes to complete. The Company would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused by not having an operator as a result of COVID-19.

Please register in advance to join the conference using the link provided below and dial in 10 minutes before the call is scheduled to begin. Conference access information will be provided upon registration.

Participant Online Registration: http://apac.directeventreg.com/registration/event/7687935
Once preregistration has been completed, participants will receive dial-in numbers, an event passcode, and a unique registrant ID.

To join the conference, please dial the number you receive, enter the event passcode (7687935) followed by your unique registrant ID, and you will be joined to the conference instantly.
Event Details
Title Q4 2021 Xunlei Limited Earnings Conference Call
Date and Time 03/17/22 8:00 am EDT